Workshops / Seminars

3.2.2 Workshops / Seminars / Conferences

1. e-Conference : One Day National e-Conference on the topic 'The Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Gender Sensitization'...

2. Workshop on Project Writing

3. e-Conference : One Day international e-Conference on the topic 'Indian writing in English : Discourse, Ideology, Culture, Dialogues and Context'

4. Workshop on Competitive Examination Guidance

5. Workshop : One Day workshop on Competitive Examination

6. Workshop : One Day workshop on 'Career Guidance & Competitive Examination'

7. Workshop : One Day workshop on 'Career Guidance & Competitive Examination'

8. Workshop : One Day workshop on 'Competitive Examination Guidance'

9. Workshop : One Day workshop on 'Research Methodology for the Students and Teachers'

10. Workshop : One Day online workshop on the topic ' Changing frameworks of seven Criteria's of AQAR'

11. Workshop : One Day 'Faculty development workshop on Research Methodology'